BA10 Management 3.0 with Jurgen Appelo

Sometimes it is hard to be happy with your job. Management seems to be a complex thing and you, as their employee, are not able to change anything. But is this really so? And how much space for systemic thinking is in this complex management world?

In this show Jurgen Appelo talks with us about complexity in management and life. Many people are unhappy with their jobs and lives. But before quitting or changing something, we often just complain. The goal of Management 3.0 is to help you grow and transform organizations into becoming great places to work. Sometimes life seems to be unfair to you: Your job may be boring, someone is most of the time complaining about you and what you are doing and the whole world seems to be against you. Maybe you just have a bad day. But you are the only person in the world who can change this! By now. How? As Jurgen tells us and our listeners in this episode: It’s all about on how you are thinking. How much options do we really have to change the management? Why are three dots not always building a triangle? And why is it sometimes not helpful to analyze everything? These and many more questions we discussed with author, speaker and entrepeneur Jurgen Appelo.


Ingrid Gerstbach
Peter Gerstbach
Jurgen Appelo

Dauer: 0:46:10

Our studio guest: Jurgen Appelo

Jurgen AppeloJurgen Appelo calls himself a creative networker. He is author, speaker, trainer and entrepreneur. Jurgen writes a popular blog at, covering the creative economy, agile management, and personal development. He also is the author of Management 3.0 and How to change the world, which describes the role of the manager in agile organizations.
Jurgen is CEO of the business network Happy Melly, and co-founder of the Agile Lean Europe network and the Stoos Network.

Our subject in this show: Management 3.0

What to expect:

  • Let’s help Melly
  • How we can improve organizations
  • Jurgens greatest challenge in the past
  • Be happy in your job
  • Money as a motivator
  • Do things that you love!
  • 3 things to become happy:
    • Just ignore the points
    • Change the organization
    • Change your job
  • Connecting the dots
  • The Complexity Manifesto
  • The Happiness door
  • The way you solve the problem, changes the problem
  • The Kudo Box
  • People need to know how to do things
  • Don’t talk, just do it
  • New book: Management workout

Mentioned Illustration

The Body of Knowledge of systems
The Body of Knowledge of systems


Books from Jurgen Appelo:

  • How to Change the World: Change Management 3.0 (Amazon)
  • Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders (Amazon)

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