BA30: Pre-Project Problem Analysis
In this episode we talk with Adrian Reed about pre-project problem analysis which is also the topic of his workshop at our BA Boot Camp on the 11h of May 2016 in Vienna. In his practical and interactive session he focusses on how to carry out problem analysis either before a project has been initiated…
BA18 Nonverbal Communications with Joe Navarro
Communication is key in any business analysis project. Most people believe that words are the communication of the message when, in fact, words make up only 7 percent of the message. Tone of voice and nonverbal communication make up the other 93 percent. As a business analyst, you should be familiar with the positives and…
BA13 BA Career Tips with Laura Brandenburg
Im heutigen Podcast geht es um Karriere-Tipps für Business Analysten. Und dafür haben wir Laura Brandenburg eingeladen, eine bekannte Business Analystin aus den USA, die vielleicht einige von der Website bridging-the-gap kennen. Wenn ihr wissen wollt, was das wichtigste ist, um als BA erfolgreich zu sein, oder ob es „geborene“ Business Analysten gibt und welche…
BA10 Management 3.0 with Jurgen Appelo
In this show Jurgen Appelo talks with us about complexity in management and life. Many people are unhappy with their jobs and lives. But before quitting or changing something, we often just complain. The goal of Management 3.0 is to help you grow and transform organizations into becoming great places to work. Sometimes life seems…